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1. Madness and Monstrosity in Nineteenth-Century American Literature (cfp deadline March 1, 2011)
Cindy Murillo/Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association
This panel on nineteenth century American literature seeks papers that explore notions of madness and monstrosity, broadly defined, for an upcoming session at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference will be held at The Chaparral Suites Resort October 6-8. We welcome submissions that approach this topic from a variety of angles in American novels and short stories of the long nineteenth century. Some avenues of inquire could include, but are not limited to:
* monstrous depictions of ethnic groups
* stigmas attached to the New Woman
* gothic tropes and civil discourse
* disabled bodies
* ghostly encounters
* the abject
* spectral space
Please submit a 300 word abstract, including title, professional affiliation, and contact information (especially email) to Cindy Murillo ( by March 1, 2011. Notification of acceptance decision will take place on March 15, 2011.
Anyone may submit a paper proposal, but those presenting must be members of RMMLA. Additional conference information can be found at
2. March 18-19-- Family Matters: A Graduate Student Conference on Representations of the Family in Literature, Drama and Film
St. Bonaventure University--Olean, New York
Representations of the family in literature often come freighted with questions of cultural significance, economic arrangement, and political power. Whether critiqued as a normative cultural arrangement or hailed as the paramount political value, the family as the basic organizational unit of society reflects and often magnifies its literary milieu.
The graduate program at St. Bonaventure University invites papers that identify the shifting representation of the family in literature and film. Texts have been groping with the role of the family from the Homeric epic to the James Cameron blockbuster. We are seeking papers that explore this shifting representation of family. How is family used in The Wife of Bath’s Tale? Is this representation different from the representation of family in David Copperfield? What role is played by the absence of family in works such as The Lord of the Flies? How is family treated in poetic works such as Shakespeare’s Sonnets? These are some of the questions that will guide our conference.
Possible areas of inquiry may include the following areas of literary investigation:
-In what ways are families used as political leverage?
-How do the interactions of power within the family reflect the values of the surrounding culture?
-In what ways does the family support or challenge traditional gender roles?
-What aspects of the colonial family are assimilated into an imperial power, and how does the imperial power influenced families of the colonized?
-How can the traditional notion of the family interact with the politics of heteronormativity?
This conference invites a diverse range of readings of the textually represented family, from pre-modern family constructions to familial images in popular culture. We welcome papers from across the spectrum of literary periods, sub-fields and theoretical approaches.
Please submit a Word document with a 250-word abstract, a current CV, and a brief biography to:
Submission Deadline- February 18th, 2011
Registration Deadline- March 11thth, 2011
Conference Date- March 18th and 19th, 2011
Conference Website:
3. Popular Women's Fiction in the 18th and 19th Centuries (3/1/11; RMMLA, 10/6-10/8
Jeremy Hurley
Inviting papers (20 minutes) for the Popular Women's Fiction in the
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries session of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association conference, Oct. 6-8, 2011, in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The session generally accepts papers over British and American women's fiction of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Papers on all genres will be considered as long as the work being analyzed falls within the framework of "popular" literature.
Please submit a one-page abstract by March 1, 2011 to Jeremy Hurley at
For more information on the conference, please visit
4. Call for contributions: censorship and literature in English-speaking countries, 16th-21st centuries
ACE - University of Rennes 2 UEB - France
Call for Contributions: collected essays on censorship and literature in English speaking countries, 16th-21st centuries
With the development of the modern state, there has been an ongoing tension between the will to control and at the same time allow free speech to develop. In English-speaking countries, the theme of “Censorship and Discourse” has been a recurrent concern from the 16th century to the present day, as the numerous censored publications and writings against censorship testify.
Our editorial project focuses on the negotiating processes going on between censoring institutions and literary texts, exploring the effects and counter-effects of censorship on writing itself and on the diffusion of the works of art through publication or stage performance.
Contributions in the following fields are most welcome:
- literature and self censorship
- censorship and literary reception
- stage censorship
To submit a proposal for consideration before March 1st 2011
Please send an abstract of up to 250 words, together with your particulars (names, institutional address, occupational status, postal and e-mail addresses) to the following e-mail addresses:
Submissions will be examined by the scientific committee and articles will be required by the end of June 2011. A set of guidelines for document setup will be sent to you.
5. Fin-de-Siècle Cosmopolitanism: A workshop conference
Monday 4 July 2011
The Leeds Humanities Research Institute
University of Leeds
The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Leeds is organising a one-day workshop conference on the subject of fin-de-siècle cosmopolitanism, supported by the Leeds Humanities Research Institute and the British Comparative Literature Association.
We welcome proposals for twenty-minute papers on any subject relating to the concept of cosmopolitanism in late 19th-century literature, especially with regard to different European literatures.
Possible topics might include, but are not restricted to:
Internationalism and trans-national literature /
Cosmopolitan networks /
The modern Republic of Letters /
Cosmopolitan politics /
The gender of cosmopolitanism /
Cosmopolitan style(s) /
Cosmopolitanism and canon formation
Please send abstracts (300 words), contact details and institutional affiliation (if appropriate) by Monday 31 January 2011 to the conference organisers:
Stefano Evangelista (
Richard Hibbitt (
Selected papers from the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of Comparative Critical Studies, to be published in 2013.
The conference fee will be £20 (salaried) and £10 (postgraduate / unwaged), to cover registration, a buffet lunch and refreshments.
We are very grateful to the British Comparative Literature Association for their support of this event.
Dr Richard Hibbitt
Lecturer in French
Department of French
School of Modern Languages and Cultures
University of Leeds
tel: 0113 343 3495
fax: 0113 343 3477