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1. Book publications of interest:
The publishing house Pickering and Chatto has started an exciting new series entitled Gender and Genre, which promises to hold a lot of interest for our readers. The publisher writes, ‘This series is dedicated to publishing intellectually innovative and diverse studies on the relationship between gender and genre from the Renaissance to the early twentieth century’ and ‘opens up the study of the particularity of gender in relation to the aesthetic forms and media used by writers across different periods.’ The series editor is Ann Heilmann, and editorial board members are Mark Llewellyn, Johanna M. Smith and Margaret Stetz. Some recent or forthcoming titles of interest on various New Women figures include
- Art and Womanhood in Fin-de-Siecle Writing: The Fiction of Lucas Malet (by Catherine Delyfer)
- Mary Cholmondeley Reconsidered (ed. by Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton and SueAnn Schatz) and Let the Flowers Go: A Life of Mary Cholmondeley (by Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton)
- Fictions of Dissent: Reclaiming Authority in Transatlantic Women’s Writing of the Late Nineteenth Century (by Sigrid Anderson Cordell)
- Edith Wharton’s The Custom of the Country: A Reassessment (by Layra Rattray)
Pickering and Chatto also has another exciting new venture, New Women Fiction 1881-1899, in several volumes edited by various scholars, with Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton as the General Editor. At least nine volumes have already been announced and include works by Ouida, George Egerton, Mary Cholmondeley, Netta Syrett, Vernon Lee, Mona Caird, and other New Woman writers.
In addition, this publisher offers another primary works series called Victorian Social Activists’ Novels, edited by Oliver Lovesey, which makes available novels by women ‘involved in various types of activism, using approaches ranging from conservative amelioration to radical militancy. Their works employ a broad variety of genres from the novel of manners, sensation, education and vocation, to allegory, romance, female bildungsroman and lesbian fiction.’ Publications include works by Caroline Norton, Millicent Garrett Facett, Ellice Jane Hopkins, Mary Eleanor Benson, and Margaret Todd.
The Collected Letters of Ellen Terry were also published earlier this year, edited by Katharine Cockin (8 volumes).
2. Digital Initiatives:
The Indiana University Digital Library Program and Indiana University Libraries
are proud to announce the launch of the newly redesigned Victorian Women
Writers Project: <>.
The Victorian Women Writers Project (VWWP) was begun in 1995 at Indiana
University under the determined leadership and editorship of Perry Willett.
The VWWP was celebrated early on for exposing lesser-known British women
writers of the 19th century, writers whose popularity did not make the
transition into the 20th century or inclusion in a literary canon. Originally the
VWWP focused on poetry, but soon Willett acknowledged the variety of genres
in which women of that period were writing – novels, children’s books,
political pamphlets, religious tracts and so on. Thus the collection was
expanded to include genres beyond poetry and so the VWWP grew until about
the turn of the twenty-first century, ultimately including approximately two
hundred texts as part of the corpus.
Quiet since 2003, the VWWP is pleased to be back with an expanded purview
that includes women writing in the nineteenth century in English beyond
Britain. As before, the project will devote time and attention to the accuracy
and completeness of the texts, as well as to their bibliographical descriptions.
New texts, encoded according to the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5
Guidelines, will adopt principles of scholarly encoding, facilitating more
sophisticated retrieval and analysis.
To learn more about the technical details surrounding the new web site, please
visit the project information page
(, where specifics about
text encoding and technical implementation are provided. Or skip the boring
stuff and explore the new web site:
| Michelle Dalmau, Digital Projects & Usability Librarian
| Indiana University Digital Library Program
| Herman B Wells Library
| 1320 East 10th Street, W501
| Bloomington, Indiana 47405
| (812) 855-1261,
| <>
3. Websites of interest:
James Stephen Murphy (Lecturer in History & Literature, Harvard University) extends ‘an invitation to visit the Magazine Modernisms blog, where we are currently conducting out first book club event’ on Catherine Keyser's new book Playing Smart: New York Women Writers and Modern Magazine Culture, followed by a reply from Professor Keyser.’ Please visit and participate if you are interested.
The 18th- and 19th-Century British Women Writers’ Association has a useful, linked list of several websites of interest to all those studying British women writers:
‘March of the Women,’ an enthusiastic suffragette song (with transcription and an actual music file) can be found at!