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Vol. II, No. 2 (Winter 2010/11)
Dear readers:
Welcome to our new winter issue. We invite you to peruse, among other items of interest,
- a wonderful new essay by Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton, ‘”Trained to Perfection in the Lax Morals and Prurient Literature of My Day”: The Metafictional New Woman and Her Readers,” which discusses representations of female writing/writers in New Woman fiction by Sarah Grand, Marie Corelli, Netta Syrett, and others,
and our reviews of two new books,
- Regenia Gagnier’s Individualism, Decadence and Globalization: On the Relationship of Part to Whole, 1859-1920 (reviewed by Lena Wånggren), and
- Christine Bayles Kortsch’s Dress Culture in Late Victorian Women’s Fiction: Literacy, Textiles, and Activism (reviewed by Joellen Masters).
Since our last call for papers, there has also been a lot of interest in our Featured New Women section. You will see some of the results in this issue, in which we again feature five New Women:
- Annie Besant (by Marie Terrier)
- Victoria Cross (by Melissa Purdue)
- Florence Fenwick Miller (by Rosemary T. VanArsdel)
- Beatrix Potter (by Precious McKenzie)
- Edith Somerville (by Precious McKenzie)
In other news, I am very pleased to announce that starting with the first issue of 2011 (anticipated for spring), we will merge with another Oscholars journal, The Michaelian, currently edited by Sharon Bickle. The Latchkey will keep its name and focus on the New Woman, while appreciating and benefiting additionally from The Michaelian’s interests and expertise in the poetry and culture surrounding Michael Field (Edith Cooper and Katharine Bradley), as well as of course Sharon’s important scholarly and editorial contribution as our new joint editor-in-chief.
The Latchkey continues to solicit brief biographical sketches of New Women writers and cultural figures, as well as essays and book reviews, throughout the year. We are also happy to announce your conferences, calls for papers, and publications of interest free of charge. Feel free to browse our website and submission guidelines, and contact us at if you are interested in sending in an item for any of our sections, including the Teaching Resources page—we would be more than happy to hear from you. We have a quick turnaround time on submissions of essays and book reviews (usually no more than three months for essays, and mere weeks for book reviews).
Thank you for your interest in The Latchkey. Have a great start into the new year! With best wishes from the entire editorial team,
Petra Dierkes-Thrun
Editor-in-Chief of The Latchkey