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Vol. III (Summer 2011)
It gives us great pleasure to announce our new issue of The Latchkey: Journal of New Woman Studies, in which the previously announced merger with The Michaelian, formerly under the editorship of Sharon Bickle and Michelle Lee, has been brought to fruition. Sharon Bickle will join the editorial team of The Latchkey as co-editor. We continue to affiliate ourselves with The Oscholars (thanks to David Charles Rose, Founder and General editor) and with Steven Halliwell of The Rivendale Press, which undertakes the technical side of publication without which none of The Oscholars journals would exist. We also continue to be a fully refereed (peer-reviewed), open-access academic journal with a growing readership. Please drop us a line if you’d like to get involved.
In this issue you will find two fascinating articles originally presented at the Women Writers of the fin de siècle Conference held at the University of London in June 2010. We thank Dr Carolyn Oulton, the conference organizer, for her assistance in bringing these articles to publication. Marilyn Pemberton’s article considers the way in which Mary De Morgan's fairytales reflect the political and social convictions of a New Woman writer of the fin de siècle. Teresa Louro takes up the interesting question of the role of the cross-dresser in Sarah Grand’s The Heavenly Twins and contextualizes this within contemporary public debates on women dress in the late-Victorian period. Also included this issue are reviews of new books devoted to key New Women: Amy Levy, Lady Desborough, Rosamund Marriott Watson, and Mary Cholmondeley.
In this Issue:
- Marilyn Pemberton, “The Fairylands of Mary De Morgan: Seedbeds of Domestic Anarchy”
- Teresa Louro, “Sarah Grand: Cross-Dressing at the Fin de Siècle”
Book reviews
- Naomi Hetherington and Nadia Valman (eds.), Amy Levy: Critical Essays (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2010). Reviewed by Sarah Parker.
- Richard Davenport-Hines, Ettie: The Life and World of Lady Desborough (London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2008). Reviewed by David Charles Rose.
- Linda K. Hughes, Graham R.: Rosamund Marriott Watson, Woman of Letters (Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 2005). Reviewed by Carol A. Senf.
- Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton, Let the Flowers Go: A Life of Mary Cholmondeley (London: Pickering & Chatto: 2009). Reviewed by Catherine Pope.
- Carolyn W. de la L. Oulton (ed.), New Woman Fiction, 1881-1899, Part 2, Vols. 4-6 (London: Pickering & Chatto: 2010). Reviewed by Joellen Masters.
Featured New Woman section
- Amy Levy. By Christine Pullen
Please be sure to visit our new Calls for Papers and Announcement pages for up to date information on conferences, journals, new books and web initiatives of interest to this journal and you, our readers. There are also various smaller updates to our Who’s Who and Whine Cellar pages. (The latter especially is great fun to peruse!)
In future issues, we hope to publish more articles on the work of Michael Field and their entourage, as well as to continue to publish items related to New Women figures both well- and lesser-known. Please continue to send us essays, book reviews, and any other items of interest. Enquiries and comments to the co-editors at are always welcome.
Petra Dierkes-Thrun and Sharon Bickle, Co-Editors