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Vol. II, No. 1 (Summer 2010)
Dear readers:
Welcome to the Summer 2010 issue of The Latchkey, with which we proudly mark our transition to a fully peer-reviewed journal. In this issue we feature two scholarly essays that deal with New Woman issues in the work of two major male writers of the fin de siècle, George Bernard Shaw and Arnold Bennett, by Charles A. Carpenter and Sharon Crozier-De Rosa respectively. You will also find two new book reviews, one of Linda H. Peterson’s scholarly monograph Becoming a Woman of Letters: Myths of Authorship and Facts of the Victorian Market, Princeton UP (by Joellen Masters) and one of Sharon Bickle’s important edition of Michael Field’s love letters, The Fowl and the Pussycat: Love Letters of Michael Field, 1876-1909, University of Virginia Press (by Donna S. Parsons). Further, we have substantially expanded our “Featured New Women” section with smaller biographical articles and other items of interest addressing the following:
- Evelyn Sharp (by Angela V. John)
- Lady Florence Douglas Dixie (by Precious McKenzie)
- May French Sheldon (by T.J. Boisseau)
- Marie Corelli (by Sharon Crozier-De Rosa)
- Mary Elizabeth Braddon (by Ruth Naomi Morris)
- Mathilde Blind’s biography of Marie-Jeanne Roland (by David C. Rose)
You will find other updates and various new items across the website—happy browsing.
We are always interested in your comments and additions to our still young and volunteer-based journal, as well as in your interest in becoming a peer reviewer or potential contributor to future issues in matters small (such as our Teaching Resources, Featured New Women, Bibliography or Whine Cellar pages) and large (as the author of a scholarly essay or a book review of interest to the journal). For questions and comments, feel free to email us at any time.
Best wishes from the entire editorial team,
Petra Dierkes-Thrun
General Editor, The Latchkey